Dear Barat Parents,  

Thank you for taking the time to explore the exciting possibility of serving as a volunteer Parent Ambassador.  As a Parent Ambassador, you would chat with prospective families interested in Barat Academy via a Parent Portal.  Your involvement in our community and your willingness to advocate on its behalf is what makes Barat Academy so successful!  

We are working with a new service called PeerPal that has created a custom communication platform for prospective families.  PeerPal allows those families to be able to learn more about Barat Academy and Barat Prep by reaching out directly to you!  

Below is a short video from the PeerPal team explaining how to sign up along with the link to sign as a Barat Parent Ambassador.  To keep connected while “on the go”, download the PeerPal messenger app on iPhone or Android!  

Onboarding Video:  Watch Video 

CLICK HERE to create your Barat Parent Ambassador profile. 

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, problems, or feedback as you are signing up. The PeerPal team has been very responsive and they are eager to work with us to ensure our needs as a community are being met.

Debby Watson Jake A. Schuchardt

President Director of Admissions

Office:  (636) 300-5555 Office:  (636) 300-5573
